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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Orange Muffin

Time to bake again... I made Orang Muffin for DiGi SSF Badminton Tournament, request by Cik Nan.
Mmg dalam process to gain experience, so i have to learn and keep trying to improve the skill~.

I oso bake moist choc cake and muffin after this orange muffin but i dont capture the pic coz i start baking 00:00am and finish late. Mate da ngantok n kesian hubby temankan. Maybe next time i share ~


290gm plain flour ~ i use 300gm
2 tsp baking powder --> if use self-raising flour, no need to use baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
230g sugar -- i use 210 gm-xmo manis sgt
3(nos) eggs --Grade B
120 ml milk - i use 2 tblspoon of powdered milk and replace the liquid with the orange juice
200 ml melted butter -- i use corn oil to replace it
1 tsp vanilla
Grated zest of 1 orange
Juice of 1 Orange
2 tblspoon of sunquick - kasik rase orange.
1 teaspoon of mayonise - add on to get the moist cake
choc chip/raisin - on your own

1. Preheat oven to 180C.
2. Mix all dry ingredient (flour,sugar,baking soda, baking powder). Separated
3. Mix all wet ingredient together - egg, orange juice, mayonise, vanila- . Pour into dry ingredient.
4. Mix well untill its fully combine. Do not overmixed as it will creat glutens and makes the cake dense.
5. Add choc chip/ raisin on your own

senang kan?
and here's the result

so, slamat mencoba~